We are fundraising to support access to Unirondack’s NEW BIPOC retreat: Roots and Wings. Your donations and fundraising efforts help camp to offer zero cost attendance to folks that would otherwise have financial barriers to attending and support the longevity of the retreat. If you’re able to contribute you can donate DIRECTLY to Roots and Wings here:
Intentional Community, Inclusivity, and Joy.
The conversations we have about building the camp experience begin with our campers. Each week we engage our youth in the process of creating a community they are excited to be a part of. When talking about how to make camp more inclusive and expansive, we prioritize voices who speak from that lived experience. We regularly take time to question our program, traditions, and physical spaces to learn how to make each summer better than the last.
While we do host affinity spaces, Unirondack is not an exclusive space for any specific group or identity. We embrace intersectional collaboration - and occasional healthy conflict as we consider contradicting needs and camp’s resources. We believe this conflict is an opportunity. And once all sides are heard and the community finds how to best support one another, we jump in the lake, throw pottery, and battle in the Gaga pit or over a pie-eating contest.
The philosophy of camp is intentional and inclusivity-minded because we believe that everyone deserves to experience joy, and that in order to do so, we all need to feel like we belong. We are committed to doing the works necessary to make space for everyone so that we can focus on our real goal — enjoying the boundless joy that can only be created in a place where we all care about each other.